Objection to tax demand

If you do not agree with the municipal tax demand or the WOZ value that has been set, you can file an objection.

Waste collection tax, sewerage tax and dog tax

Do you think the waste collection tax, sewerage tax or dog tax on your assessment notice is incorrect? Please contact us via the green button below (Dutch form).

Contact Belastingen

File an objection to the WOZ value

Do you think your WOZ value is incorrect or would you like an explanation? Then first view the assessment report on MijnOverheid or in the Digital Tax Desk.

You can file your objection within 6 weeks of the date on the tax demand via the green button below.

File an objection to the WOZ value (Dutch form)

File an objection by letter

If you object by letter, please include at least the following information in your letter:

  • Your initials and name, address and place of residence
  • The reason for your objection
  • The claim number of the tax assessment
  • Your signature

In your objection to a tax demand or WOZ value, you must clearly state the reasons why you are objecting. 'I think the WOZ value is too high' is not sufficient. If you wish to explain your objection verbally, please mention this in your objection letter.

For an objection against the WOZ value, you can use the sample letter (DOCX, 15.6 kB) (Dutch only). You should then print the notice of objection, add your signature to it and send it in.

Send your letter to:

Gemeente Veldhoven
For the attention of the Heffingsambtenaar
Postbus 10101
5500 GA Veldhoven

Do you hand in your objection at the reception desk of the town hall? Then ask for a receipt.

Do you have questions about the WOZ value?

Then continue reading the webpage about WOZ and property tax.


Even if you file an objection, you still need to pay the amount shown on the tax demand. You can, however, ask in your letter of objection to pay the amount that you are disputing at a later date. If, after your letter of objection has been dealt with, it becomes apparent that your objection was justified, the amount overpaid will be refunded to you automatically.

See also:

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