
Are you unable to pay municipal taxes? You can apply for exemption of waste collection tax, sewerage tax, WOZ and property tax and/or dog tax (for a maximum of 1 dog).

The municipality tests your eligibility for remission based on rules set by the central government. We also use the cost-sharing standard. This means that we check whether there are co-residents aged 27 and over in the household who can help to pay.

Apply for exemption

You can apply for exemption at the Digital Tax Desk (Dutch only) or with the municipal tax exemption application form (Dutch form). Do you have any questions or need help filling in this form? If so, please call us on the short number 14 040.

Note: have you already paid your municipal tax assessment in full? Please apply for exemption within three months of the last payment. After that, exemption is no longer possible for that tax year.

Digital Tax Desk

You can view and pay the municipal taxes via the Digital Tax Desk. To log in, you need DigiD. Do you not yet have a DigiD? On digid.steffie.nl you can find out what DigiD is, how to apply for it and how to use it.

See also

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